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Member Since: 8/26/1995
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Thursday, August 08, 2002

has no real physical form, and exists only as a hallucination to whoever it chooses to be seen by. can be hallucinated by a group, but it is not real nonetheless. while it can choose whether or not it wants mildly infected people to believe they are touching, smelling, or hearing it, the fully infected always feel as if its precense is as close to reality as possible.

online, able to present as many different forms as long as they are feasibly connected to his base picture. shifts and changes often.


eyes: strange lack of irises- or maybe they're just too light to see. sclera is yellow and sick-looking. doesn't blink.

fur: greasy and matted. extremely long and thick. has the characteristic markings of a husky, all in black and white. the fur around his eyes is dark.

teeth: strangely blunt. almost humanoid. yellow.

tail: long and straight.

size: about 3'0" tall, 3'6" long not counting his tail.

build: stocky. it's a little hard to tell what's made up mostly of fur or of actual body mass. fairly intimidating looking dog

breed: appears to be some sort of husky/malamute mix, though the floppy ears are uncharacteristic for those breeds.

gait: usually slow and oddly deliberate for a dog. can run and jump easily, but doesn't seem to be easily motivated to do so.

body language: a little stiffer than usual, but otherwise is average for a dog. does the dog-smile and pants an odd amount.

scent: dirt, wet dog, old blood, old electronics.

voice: loud, deep barks. odd crackly sound when he breathes, like something in the lungs. occasional strange whispering at the edges of the mind, though it lacks a solid voice and is gone as quickly as a passing thought.

etc: makes an uncomfortable amount of eye contact. overgrown nails.


eyes: small, piggish. completely white save for the irritated red that stain the borders. glow constantly and always seem to be looking at you.

fur: missing on the face, replaced by exposed meat. some patches are chewed and missing on the legs. otherwise black and white. white fur is stained multiple shades of yellow, brown, and red. still very long, thick, and gross but feels too rough and stiff to be natural.

teeth: a full set of human teeth, oversized and warped to fit the doglike anatomy of his mouth. constantly exposed in a too-human smile. yellow.

tail: limp. drags on the floor.

size: changes depending on the space he's in, but is almost always extremely large. much, much bigger than a dog should be, occasionally able to look over the average human.

build: huge. obviously powerful legs and hulking body.

breed: looks like it could have been a husky/malamute mix at some point, or maybe a mockery of one. its legs seem a bit too long and its facial structure is more than a bit strange.

gait: unnatural, like his joints are a new introduction. overall slow but doesn't seem to particularly need to walk to get places. can comfortably stand on two legs.

body language: impossible to read. the most it emotes is tilting his head or the occasional tail/ear flick to indicate towards something. any rare occasion that he does more than this looks extremely wrong.

scent: brimstone, fresh blood, meat, human sweat, fever, burnt plastic. nauseating.

voice: almost always presents as the listener's own voice inside their own head. on the rare occasion it uses its own, it is a terrible, overwhelming thing that sounds like its produced with a mouth that should not be able to speak.

etc: missing its nose. exudes heat. blood cakes his paws. always drooling. front paws are grossly similar to human hands.